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How to set python 3 as default interpreter instead of python 2 in Linux (Kali Linux, Ubuntu)

  How to set Python 3 as default interpreter in Linux Open terminal and write "alias python=python3" and hit enter. You are done! alias python=python3 Now check your default interpreter version by simply run "python -V" command in the terminal. python -V
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How to install google chrome in Ubuntu using command line

Step 01: Add Key Open terminal and add this key simply by just copy & paste this command to command line. Give your password and hit enter. wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -     Step 02: Add Repository  Copy and paste this command to the command line to add this repository echo 'deb [arch=amd64] stable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list Step 03: Update the Repository  Now run this command to update the repository. sudo apt-get update Step 04: Install Google Chrome After completing repository update, run this command to install  Google Chrome! sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable You are done!   Now simply search for Google Chrome in your applications and enjoy it. Feel free to comment. Connect with me on facebook:

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Step 01: Add Repository Open terminal and add this repository simply by just copy & past this commands to command line.  Give your password and hit enter.   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:videolan/stable-daily If ask for any permission simply press Enter on your keyboard!    Step 02: Update the Repository  Now run this command to update the repository. sudo apt-get update Step 03: Install VLC After completing repository update, run this command to install VLC media player sudo apt-get install vlc You are done!   Now simply search for VLC in your applications and enjoy it.   Facebook:  

How to install atom in Ubuntu

Step 01: Add Repository Open terminal and add this repository simply by just copy & paste this commands to command line. Give your password and hit enter. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom     If ask for any permission simply press Enter on your keyboard!   Step 02: Update the Repository  Now run this command to update the repository. sudo apt-get update Step 03: Install Atom After completing repository update, run this command to install Atom sudo apt-get install atom You are done!   Now simply search for Atom in your applications and enjoy it. Feel free to comment. Connect with me on facebook:  Happy coding :)  

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নিচের কমান্ডগুলো টার্মিনাল এ রান করুন । ১।  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 ২।  sudo apt update ৩।  sudo apt install woeusb  ধন্যবাদ ।

Why Python ?

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