উবুন্টুতে (Ubuntu) ভিএলসি (VLC) মিডিয়া প্লেয়ার ইন্সটল (কমান্ড লাইন) | Insatll VLC Media Player in Ubuntu (Command Line)
Step 01: Add Repository
Open terminal and add this repository simply by just copy & past this commands to command line.
Give your password and hit enter.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:videolan/stable-daily
If ask for any permission simply press Enter on your keyboard!
Step 02: Update the Repository
Now run this command to update the repository.sudo apt-get update
Step 03: Install VLC
After completing repository update, run this command to install VLC media playersudo apt-get install vlc
You are done!
Now simply search for VLC in your applications and enjoy it.
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